NBA 2K21 VC is extremely important, it can be used to either buy packs in MyTeam, as well as allow you to upgrade your MyCareer/The Neighborhood character in NBA 2K21. Want to earn VC fast in NBA 2K21? In this guide, we’re going to explain how to earn VC fast in NBA 2K21 so you always have the best attributes, threads, and MyTeam cards.

1. Playing MyCareer
The best way to earn VC quickly in NBA 2K21 is through playing MyCareer. Every game on MyCareer, you earn VC coins through achievements, such as making shots, getting assists, or picking up rebounds. The more shots, assists, and rebounds you collect, the more VC you will make in a single game. Also, once your MyCareer character makes it to the NBA, you will receive a set VC salary after every game. Also, keep in mind that the higher the difficulty, the more VC your player will earn.
2. Play Now Online
Outside of the MyCareer, the “Play Now Online” mode is the most straightforward avenue for earning VC in NBA 2K21. Essentially, all you have to do is hop online, choose a team, and play against someone to get your hands on more VC.
3. Endorsement Deals
After your MyPlayer character picks up enough experience and fans in MyCareer, endorsement deals will begin to appear. Signing an endorsement will also earn you more VC, meaning that you should have plenty of currency to upgrade your character.
4. Do the Daily Spin Every Day

The Daily Spin is perhaps one of NBA 2K21’s more controversial features, but it basically guarantees a bonus every single day. This year you’ll find the big wheel in Jeff’s 2K Arcade, which is in the neighborhood – it’s hard to miss. Head inside every day and spin the wheel; while there other prizes up for grabs – like MyTeam Tokens, NBA2k21 mt, and clothing unlocks – you’ll also be able to win VC and VC multipliers, so it’s well worth playing the game daily and spending a few minutes to spin the wheel.
5. Take advantage of the Daily Challenge
In MyCareer, the Daily Challenge is another VC earning method that’s not taken advantage of enough. Found under “The Neighbourhood” tab, a new challenge appears every day; it rewards you with around 1,000 to 5,000 VC for completing a task by the end of the 24-hour window. All in all, the Daily Challenge is an easy way to earn more VC in MyCareer or the Neighbourhood. The method is also time-efficient for those that want to earn badges and gain neighborhood rep at the same time.
6. Watch 2KTV
You can earn easy VC by watching NBA 2KTV and responding to the polls and trivia questions that appear during the show. You’ll see some episodes while the game is loading; otherwise, you can browse to the 2KTV section on the main menu and pick an installment. While you won’t earn much VC from interacting, it’s a relatively low-effort currency.
7. Simulating Games in MyLeague
There are also some other ways you can earn VC in NBA 2K21. One way is by simulating games in MyLeague. When attempting to simulate a game, click A/X on that date, and make sure you select Simulate with Simulcast Live. Here, you will watch the simulation of the game and the movements of the players on the court, and if you want to speed up the sim, just move up the Simulate Speed up by moving the right stick to the right. Every game should net you about 150 VC per game, which is not bad for easy money.
8. MyNBA2K21 Mobile APP
Lastly, you can also earn some easy VC through the MyNBA2K21 mobile app. The app, which can be downloaded from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, can net you some free VC just by logging into the app every day.
9. Predict Real-World NBA Results
If you happen to be in Jeff’s 2K Arcade for the Daily Spin, then you may want to hit up one of the kiosks around the back that allows you to predict real-world NBA results. Select the correct winners, though, and there’s easy VC in it for you.
10. Check the Event Schedule
NBA 2K keeps the community engaged with events throughout the NBA season, with many of the events presenting an opportunity to earn extra VC. The community events range several themes, including “Dime Time” and “Dunk Fest.” At these events, a target amount of dunks or assists is set for the community. If the goal is reached, every participant that contributes receives a VC reward, with the highest contributors getting extra VC. It’s worth keeping tabs on when the events occur in the Neighborhood each week.
11. Play Daily Trivia
Succeeding in the 2K Daily Trivia mini-game is one of the few ways in NBA 2K21 to strike land heaps of VC without dedicating hours of playing time. Your objective is pretty simple: answer a question correctly and move on to the next round. If you get all of the questions right or make it to the final round, you will get a cut from the prize pool.
12. Battle in The Cages for extra VC
Located at 2K Pier Park, “The Cages” is another unique way to earn VC in the Neighborhood. If you want to win in The Cage to reel in more VC, you’ll need to make the most of the environment objects, such as the trampolines. Or, you could find a squad that has the right players to fill every role (blocking, dunking, shooting) needed to succeed.
Of course, you could always buy NBA 2K21 VC with real money. However, if you are someone who doesn’t like microtransactions, these methods that we listed above are probably best for you. Also, visit here to get more tips and how-to guides for the game.